Welcome to Torquay Bowling Club

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One Day Open Triples Competition Sunday 22nd June.

Torquay Bowling Club Tournament Flyer

Click below to see Our 2024 Club Champions :-

Our 2024 Club Champions

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Want to Contact Us

You can use the Contact page to email Keith, our Secretary. Contact details for all of our Committee Members and League Team Captains and Selectors can be found on the Club Directory page or email torquaybowlingclub@gmail.com.


Forthcoming Events

For details of all our activities not in the fixtures list see the Events Diary.

League Tables

See the latest league tables for all  of our competitive sides, that is when we start playing them again, in 2024?

Interested in playing bowls ?

The best thing you can do is give it a try. Have a look at our page devoted to those who haven’t yet taken the plunge  and actually played the game. We look forward to meeting you on the green.

Friends of Torquay Bowling Club

Shows you all the businesses that are supporting the club through sponsorship and advertising. Please consider them when making purchases. You may also find the occasional special offer to club members, so keep returning to the page.

Bowls Tours to Torquay
Why you should come, where to stay and what to do

For a successful tour you want a comfy bed, good food, enjoyable bowling and something to do when not bowling. To help you plan your tour and make the most of your time we have put together a page with a mixture of local information and selected adverts. More content will be added so keep coming back to see what is on offer.


Defibrillator on site

Thanks to the generosity of Susie Colley of West Country Healthcare we now have a defibrillator on site just in case.






Support for the Deaf

One of our members is a qualified signer for the deaf. If you are visiting us on a tour or interested in joining our club, are deaf and would appreciate the support of a signer, please get in touch with us in advance of your visit.

Thinking of joining our club

You probably know what you are looking for in a club so please feel free to look around our site and see what we have to offer. Why not start at the About us page. Then it’s up to you to either drop in and talk to us or contact Keith, our secretary.

Free WiFi

We now have free wifi for members and guests in the clubhouse.

To all club members

Help to keep the website up to date and useful for all members by keeping me, Keith, or email torquaybowlingclub@gmail.com informed of any news or events to be held that you think should be on these pages. Please don’t be offended if your submission doesn’t make it onto these pages.